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Every journey has a beginning. For nature it is called “Spring ”. Look for the first leaves of the beech trees, watch how everything turns green around you, discover the paths still untrodden and let yourself be carried away by nature.


The heat of summer days feels better under the crowns of the secular trees in Nucșoara. The cool air and the calm rhythm of the forest will take your steps in the Forest of Immortal Stories.


Autumn is change and transition, it is bridge between the essential moments and the state of introspection. Nucșoara is gentle with nature and the ancient beeches express their gratitude by showcasing a mix of shades imbued with emotion and artistry.


Nature reaching maturity teaches us valuable lessons about time and patience, about the power hidden in eternity and the beauty of ephemerality. In Nucșoara, the whiteness of winter highlights the outline of the mountains, the coronation of the beech trees and the traces of fearless travelers who are following in the footsteps of the stories that await to be discovered.